Henry Hu


Those odd phases and periods, the stolen moments in-between, there is always this strange infolding of vacuity, a mental collapse of sorts. Uncanny, even mystical to say the least. These states of transitions, the waitings, the boring bits, seemingly the whole world suspended, when all there is left is our gaze — a little bleary, a little distorted, just enough for a fleeting glimpse … perhaps, to recognize the slow temporality of all passings, or simply, to appreciate the spell of nostalgia.

Henry Hu, But sound, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, But sound, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, Fairy dust, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, Fairy dust, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, It hangs, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, It hangs, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, Let in, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, Let in, from the series Passing parade.

Henry Hu, Motor, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, Motor, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, Sheets, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, Sheets, from the series Passing parade.
Henry Hu, The gleam, from series passing parade
Henry Hu, The gleam, from series passing parade.
Henry Hu, White sink, from series passing parade.
Henry Hu, White sink, from series passing parade.

Artist Statement / bio
Exercising through various mediums, Henry Hu’s (born 1995 Hong Kong) ambient imageries are a wash of abrupt compositions and subdued wanderings. Alive with a soft hallucinatory haze, every sequence of visuals commits to an infusion. An exchange. An immediacy. A link between the interior and the exterior — of a self, a being, an identity, a consciousness. Composed of multiple pieces, arranged in a specified order, each individual series offers an overarching narrative, steps away from the present for a spell: tasked with casting new perspectives, fresh air to breathe, a spiritual relief. Often juxtaposing the past with the future, differing forms of surrealistic fantasies unfold across his works; along with a recurring structure, the heart of all series rests in harmony.



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