You will find on this page a list of curated Papers, Essays and Lectures concerning Photography and Contemporary Art.
Curated Lectures
Paul Mellon Centre, Yale University: What is Photography?, 2019.

How cameras work, and how to take good pictures using them, by Marc Levoy (Standford)
Exposing Digital Photography, by Dan Armendariz (Harvard).
Photography as Inquiry, Anne Whiston Spirn (MIT).
Curated Papers on Photography
ALLAIN Monique, The codified World, 2009.
ARRIBERT-NARCE Fabien, Roland Barthes’s Photobiographies, Towards an Exception from Meaning, 2009.
BALL et al., Opening Up the Indexicality of the Image, Again, 2020.
CHONG Ho Yu, Aesthetics of photography: Combining the viewer’s and the artist’s standpoints, 2004.
DIACK Heather, Facts of Matter On the Malleability of Photographic Form, 2015.
DROTH Martina (introd. by), Conference Proceedings: Photography and Britishness, 2016.
DYCE Matt, Photography as Theory in Action, 2016.
ELKINS James, What Photography Is, 2012.
FERRETTI-THEILING Madeline, Rethinking Photography: A Historical Perspective, 2021.
FLUSSER Vilém, The Power of Images.
FLUSSER Vilém, FAROCKI Harun, Programming the Visible.
GUNTHERT André, The consecration of the selfie, 2015.
GUNTHERT André, The conversational image, 2014.
FROSH Paul, The Gestural Image: The Selfie, Photography Theory, And Kinesthetic Sociability, 2015.
LEVY Lior, The question of Photographic Meaning in Roland Barthes’ Camera Lucida, 2009.
NEAD Lynda and WYVER John, Bert Hardy: Excercises with Photography and Film, 2020.
PANDILOVSKI Melentie, What lies behind modern technology.
PARSONS Sarah, Women in Fur: Empire, Power, and Play in a Victorian Photography Album, 2020.
PERAICA Ana, Culture of the Selfie, 2017.
PURCELL Sebastian L., Phenomenology of a Photograph, Or: How to use an Eidetic Phenomenology, 2010.
RAY Larry, Social Theory, Photography and the Visual Aesthetic of Cultural Modernity, 2020.
SHANKS Michael, SVABO Connie, Mobile media photography new modes of engagement, 2014.
SOUZA ARAUJO Camila, It is Not Just a Picure: Revealing Some User Practices in Instagram, 2014.
TIFENTALE Alise, Art of the Masses: From Kodak Brownie to Instagram, 2015.
VILARO Arnau, The eco of Barthes’ photography. The new lucid camera: Notes about digital camera, 2011.
WITKOVSKY Matthew, Circa 1930, Art History and the New Photography, 2009.
ZAMIR Shamoon, Sructures of Rhyme, Forms of Participation, The Family of Man as Exhibition, 2018.
ZERVIGON Andrés Mario, The Wiederaufbau of Perception, 2012.
Curated Essays
BARTHES Roland, Camera Lucida, 1981.
BENJAMIN Walter, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, 1935.
ELKINS James, Photography Theory, 2007.
EMERLING Jae, Photography, History and Theory, 2012.
FLUSSER Vilém, Towards a philosophy of photography, 1983 (english version).
FLUSSER Vilém, Into the universe of Technical Images, 2011.
HELFF Sissy, MICHELS Stefaine, Global Photographies: Memory – History – Archives, 2018.
KRAUSS Rosalind, Notes on the Index: Seventies Art in America, 1977.
KRAUSS Rosalind, Photography’s Discursive Spaces: Landscape/View, 1982.
MANOVICH Lev, Instagram and Contemporary Photography, 2015-2016.
SMITH S. Michelle and SLIWINSKI Sharon (editors), Photography and the Optical Unconscious, 2017.
SONTAG Susan, On Photography, 1973.
VAN GELDER Hilde and WESTGEEST Helen, Photography Theory, in historical perspective, 2011.
WELLS Liz (edited by), Photography, a critical introduction, 2015.